Our new website has gone live!


We have launched our new website!

Celebrating 50 years'


Bristol Airport celebrated 50 years since the Original Terminal Building was opened - to celebrate the historic date Bristol Airport launched a high profile event with local business chief, politicians and local press.

Plus One Design created a 60ft backdrop graphic for the even covering the changes through the ages at the airport.

B&W Equine


We were asked to produce an attractive up-to-date brochure for this veterinary group in Breadstone. This piece is to go out to all new clients explaining who B&W Equine are and what services they have to offer. By using beautiful imagery and different colours, we were able to get a lot of information into a relatively small space.

Southwest Campaign


We were asked to put together a poster campaign advertising hoarding for Bristol Airport. It had to be aspirational to catch the eye of the passer by - it certainly has done that!

Wouldn't you like to just step into either one of the photos...pure bliss.

It is being shown across the Southwest.


Contact us

T: 01453 799 271
Stag House, The Chipping,
Wotton-under-Edge GL12 7AD

(Click here for directions)


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